Eligibility Information
Approximately ten students will be selected for participation in the Texas Center for Undergraduate Research at Texas A&M University for the summer site. Applicants must meet the following criteria to be eligible.
- Must be a U.S. citizen
- Must be an undergraduate student with at least one term remaining before graduation upon completion of the summer program (i.e., graduating no sooner than Fall 2019).
- Preferably be from a college or university that is not a Tier 1 research university
- Must be majoring in engineering or closely related discipline, such as physics or chemistry
Details pertaining to the Summer 2019 site are as follows.
- 10-week duration for the main REU site (May 28 – August 2, 2019)
- Participants completing the entire program will receive a $5,000 stipend, payable in increments
- Travel expenses to and from College Station will be covered in most cases
- Room and board for each participant who needs it will be provided
- Participants are expected to work at least 40 hours per week on REU-related activities
- Field trips, seminars, and campus-wide activities are part of the program
- Participants are required to present the results of their work in oral and poster presentations
- Repeat participation in a following summer is possible and encouraged
We will try to assign participants to their desired project as closely as possible, but we cannot guarantee that the student will be aligned with their first choice. Selection and matching of projects with students will depend on the applicant pool and availability of projects.
Application Instructions
Please download, complete, and sign the application form given below. The completed form and supporting documentation should be emailed to the REU manager, Dr. James C Thomas, at reutamu@gmail.com.
The following documents are required for a completed application:
- Completed application form
- Current resume (2-page max), with relevant experience detailed
- Two signed letters of recommendations (professors or supervisors preferred)
- Electronic copy of current academic transcripts (unofficial transcripts acceptable)
Deadline for Applications: May 1st